As a nurse in radiology, you’ll be joining a progressive and dynamic area, covering specialties including general radiology, nuclear medicine and interventional radiology.

Interventional radiology is a developing specialty and is becoming increasingly popular because it involves minimally invasive procedures. It’s exciting working in an area which reduces the length of stay and helps patients return home far more quickly than they could in the past.
Our team delivers wide range of interventions. You could find yourself working in the angiography suite where we cover peripheral vascular, neurovascular, vascular trauma, renal and biliary interventions.
Radiology Day Unit has 8 beds and one chair accept patients undergoing image guidance day case procedures referred from all specialties within the Trust. It operates from 08:00 – 20:00 and is fully Nurse lead.
This area of our work is expanding so fast that it will soon cover most of the vascular work in the hospital. This is exciting for us – it’s a genuinely interesting and challenging area and we have the satisfaction of knowing that patients appreciate our work, as it means they spend so much less time in hospital. We are currently expanding to include services within Interventional Radiology and we are aiming at delivering a 24/7 service from October 2021.
You could also work in ultrasound or CT, delivering guided biopsies and drains.
As well as performing procedures, we handle the pre-assessment for elective procedures in our area. This gives us an opportunity to get to know our patients better and to help them understand better what each procedure entails.
Altogether it’s a challenging and highly specialised area of work and it’s important to us that new members of the team are well supported. When you join us, you’ll work alongside a senior member of staff and we will make absolutely certain that you’re fully trained and have the right skills and competencies to perform your role safely and effectively.
Once you’ve completed this initial period, we are sure you’ll get as much satisfaction as we do from working in such a cutting edge area of care.
Please come and join (opens in a new tab) the fantastic team of nurses who are delivering high quality care to our patients.