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Clinicians4Clinicians (including Doctors4Doctors)

The CUH Clinicians4Clinicians team are offering clinical peers at CUH the opportunity of a 1:1 supportive 'personal pitstop' to offload and talk things through in a safe reflective space, in complete confidence.

Our aim is to support all aspects of clinicians’ wellbeing, personal and professional, proactively and reactively, enabling clinicians of all grades & specialties to benefit from supportive conversation/debrief with an experienced pastoral clinical peer who ‘understands and speaks your language.’


We are a small external team of local, GP-trained, pastorally-skilled doctors who have been offering 1:1 support (personal pitstop/debrief) to CUH doctors – as the ‘Doctors-for-Doctors’ team, from the onset of the Covid pandemic. More than 10% of CUH doctors have been/are now engaged in such supportive conversation with us on a regular basis.

Employed through the staff bank, our team has grown and we are able to extend the offer of support to ALL clinicians in Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie, not just doctors.


You can engage for a whole range of reasons of work and life – difficult work situations, feelings of burnout and mental ill-health, team dysfunction & incivility issues, stress-induced sense of loss of self, other psychological, emotional & spiritual challenges, home/family & relational stressors. You will find a safe sounding board with encouragement, advice on self care, wellbeing, resilience, and signposting to other professionals when appropriate.


Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00.

Good, confidential conversations happen best in quiet, undisturbed spaces; we choose to use video call or phone for support so colleagues can speak from home. One-off ‘pitstop’ or option of ongoing regular conversation by agreement.


The route is clear, easy and confidential from the start.

Contact the team via and

We can then arrange a video call with a member of our team at a quiet, undisturbed time that suits.

I was doing OK…but now I am just not myself...

Burnt-out and anxious, I think I am carrying a lot of trauma…

Coping with colleagues directing their stress in very unhelpful ways…

Feeling down, broken and angry at the moment and should probably offload…