We are an open and transparent Trust and if our staff are concerned about anything they see or how they are treated we would encourage them to talk to their line manager or a colleague. However, we know that not everyone feels able to do that. The Freedom to Speak Up Guardian supports staff to speak up when they feel they are unable to through other routes. They offer a safe, confidential source of support to discuss your concerns and find a way forward.

Raising Concerns
If you don't feel you can raise work concerns within your team or with your line manager the Trust’s Freedom to Speak Up Guardian offers a confidential advisory service to staff who are having difficulties speaking up.
To find out more about the FTSU service and how to contact them, please search for Freedom to speak up or FTSU on Connect. Please note if you need to access this information outside of working hours or via your own device, Connect is available via your mobile device using your @NHS.net login details.