Our physiotherapy team work within a large range of specialities within CUH which include:
- Medicine
- Medicine for the elderly
- Orthopaedics
- Surgery including intensive care
- Neurosciences including neurology critical care unit
- Major trauma
- Paediatric in-patients
- Paediatric respiratory and musculoskeletal out-patients
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Women’s/men’s health
- Amputees
- Out-patients including a pain service
- REACT (Rehabilitation and Exercise during Addenbrooke’s Cancer Treatment)
The physiotherapy department staffing includes:
- Physiotherapy managers
- Extended scope clinical specialists
- Band 7 senior specialists and team leads
- Band 6 senior physiotherapists in both specialist and rotational roles
- Band 5 junior rotational physiotherapists
- Band 4 physiotherapy technical assistants
- Band 3 physiotherapy assistants
- Band 2 administration, reception and portering staff
Physiotherapy assistants
These posts are suitable for existing NHS staff as well as those who are new to the NHS. The role involves supporting and motivating patients to improve their fitness and daily function in both in-patient and out-patient settings.
You will help to prevent deconditioning whilst a patient is in hospital and promote re-ablement of physical function. The role involves assisting the management of patients whilst working alongside the physiotherapist both with individual patients and in group settings. There are also some administrative tasks.
Band 4 physiotherapy Technical Assistants
These posts are suitable for existing NHS/healthcare staff or people who have had previous experience of working within a physiotherapy setting.
In this role band 4 staff work with support and minimal supervision to undertake a variety of clinical tasks to support the delivery of physiotherapy to patients. This post is more autonomous with the ability to assess patients and also to progress and discharge patients in accordance with agreed guidance/care pathways. Competency Package There is a structured competency package in place with regular training and objective setting for all band 3 and 4 posts. These posts are not rotational but we do provide the opportunity to swap specialties as vacancies occur.
We offer a wide range of learning and development opportunities to help your professional development.
Matt - Physiotherapist

I chose to train as a physiotherapist because I liked sport as a teenager and thought I would work in a sporting profession in the future.
Now I have completed my training I have realised what a wide range of areas physiotherapists work in and really like working on the wards with a variety of patients. In particular I enjoy the patient rapport and being part of a multi-disciplinary team.
I started at Addenbrooke’s working with stroke patients; helping them regain their function after they have had a stroke. It is so rewarding to see a patient change from being very ill and dependent to then being able to go home and manage for themselves again.
At present I am working on the medical wards and amazed at the varied areas I can treat patients in. For example, I could be seeing a very poorly respiratory patient who needs oxygen and help clearing secretions from their chest, but in the same day could be doing an exercise programme with a long-term oncology patient to make sure they have the best quality of life possible.