Your time with us will start with an eight day orientation programme. You will complete this before you start work in the wards, clinics or theatres.

Induction training
The programme covers all your mandatory training ie, the training which all clinical staff at the hospital must undergo. It includes, among others:
- moving and handling
- infection control
- safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
- equality and diversity
- health and safety
- resuscitation
Alongside this, you will be taught all the clinical skills you need to perform your role. A few examples of this include:
- taking blood pressure, temperature and pulse
- how to make and use electric beds
- how to help patients with eating and drinking
The course is very practical – you will have plenty of time to practice these new skills before you start work with patients.
After the corporate section of the programme is finished, you will move to the clinical area where you will be working. You will have a further, local induction here. This will allow you to learn the skills you need and settle into your specific department, role and team.
For more information about induction, go to our New Starters page.
Ongoing support
To help you through your first months with us, your manager will arrange a mentor for you. This will be one of your experienced colleagues, in your own team. They will support you as you work through your competency packages and grow in experience and skill.
As well as this, you will be supported by the hospital’s Learning and Development team. They will allocate an assistant practitioner in clinical assessment. Your assistant practitioner will visit you in your clinical area during your first fortnight with us. They will support and work alongside you clinically until you are competent and confident in your role.