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Gynaecology Services

The gynaecology services are part of the Women’s and Children’s Services Directorate based at The Rosie Hospital. We consider the well-being and health of the female with regard to reproductive organs, the ability to reproduce, the care of first trimester pregnancy and the provision of termination services.

This includes endocrinology, female urology, pelvic malignancy, reproductive medicine and early pregnancy. As a result, the speciality spans from puberty through to later years. The patients range from those with a diagnosis of cancer, to those with chronic disorders which interfere significantly with quality of life, to those where an acute emergency presentation is the first indication of a gynaecological or early pregnancy problem. Antenatal care is also provided through our department to women with acute or chronic medical problems that complicate their pregnancy.

By joining the gynaecology team at The Rosie Hospital we offer you the opportunity to work within this diverse speciality in one of our defined yet collaborative areas.

Our approach is patient centred. We aim for the very best outcomes in:

  • the diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological conditions
  • improving our patients’ quality of life
  • providing the very best patient experience

Because of our position as part of CUH, our team of specialist consultants and nurses can call on a wide array of medical and surgical expertise across the hospital. This makes us particularly well placed to help patients with complex needs.

Our commitment to education, training and research allows us to attract the very best staff and bring the latest developments in healthcare to our patients. We may therefore ask our patients to support us, for example by inviting people to take part in clinical trials.

Within the gynaecology team we have a matron, a practice development nurse, specialist nurses, nursing sisters, staff nurses, health care assistants (Level 3 and Level 2) and ward clerks. From the description of our gynaecology service it is clearly evident that we work within defined areas with a collaborative approach. We pride ourselves on our unity as a team. With our weekly nursing meeting, all the teams join on regular basis. On commencement of employment we offer a comprehensive orientation programme. For trained nursing staff, once settled in your role, we offer the opportunity of a three month rotation within the speciality.

As a team we work together to deliver a high quality, evidence-based service to all our patients. But in addition to this, we work together to support and develop each other. We hope you are successful in joining one of our teams and the wider community of gynaecology care that we are proud to be part of.

Gynaecology day treatments

We are increasingly able to offer some procedures quickly and safely, without the need of a general anaesthetic. Also known as ambulatory gynaecology, this service sees us using the latest technology to provide the best possible care.

The Outpatient Department in Clinic 21 and The Ambulatory Clinic in Clinic 25 is host to all the gynaecology and antenatal outpatient care. Our specialities are urogynaecology, gynaecological oncology, reproductive medicine and antenatal care. The nurses and healthcare assistants play an important role in supporting both the woman and the doctor/specialist nurse through assessment, consultation and procedures. It is an interesting and varied role in a small, supportive team. No two days are the same! The role involves chaperoning in consultation and assessments in addition to assisting in procedure clinics. You will encounter women of all ages, and their family, carers or supporters.

In November 2017 we were delighted to be accredited by The British Society of Urogynaecology as a tertiary referral centre. Through the delivery of best practice, we can continue to improve patient care, encourage multidisciplinary working and enhance prospects for our unit to develop. By joining the Clinic 21 team, we offer a varied and interesting working environment with opportunities to develop new skills in each of the sub-specialities that gynaecology and antenatal care has to offer.

Reproductive medicine and surgery

We treat disorders of the female reproductive system, including infertility, problems with menstruation, pelvic pain, fibroids, menopause, endometriosis and abnormal bleeding. Our clinics include a one-stop outpatient hysteroscopy clinic for patients with abnormal bleeding patterns. Members of the department are also involved in multidisciplinary vulva, intersex and Turner syndrome clinics.

Surgery takes place in the Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre. If you need to stay overnight or longer, you will be transferred to Daphne Ward. We offer hysteroscopic, laparoscopic and open surgical procedures.

For women or couples with infertility issues, we provide continuity of  care from referral for tests through medical or surgical treatment to care during and after pregnancy. Patients may see you either at the Rosie Hospital or at Cambridge IVF based in nearby Trumpington (opens in a new tab)


The department of urogynaecology diagnoses and treats women with disorders caused by the deterioration of the pelvic floor.

We treat conditions including:

  • Stress incontinence – leaking on activity, coughing, sneezing, laughing or lifting.
  • Urgency/overactive bladder – the feeling of needing to go to the loo many times a day, for example,  every hour
  • Pelvic organ prolapse – a bulge coming into the vagina.  It can occur when there is a weakness in the walls of the vagina causing the bladder, bowel or uterus (womb) to protrude. A prolapse can occur when the muscles, ligaments or tissues cannot support everything in the pelvis.
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI)
Emergency gynaecology service

We run a special service for women with gynaecology emergencies.

The service runs in clinic 24. The clinic also includes the early pregnancy unit for women up to 18 weeks pregnant with problems including pain and bleeding.

We see women with gynaecological emergencies such as:

  • Acute pelvic pain
  • Vaginal bleeding e.g. after a  Lettz procedure
  • Simple cutaneous cysts if these become infected
  • Women with urgent issues regarding vaginal pessaries
  • Women with difficulty passing urine after surgery
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) during fertility treatment
  • Assessment of vaginal trauma