The Rosie hospital is part of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. We provide maternity and neonatal services to the local population of Cambridgeshire, extending to parts of North Essex, East and North Hertfordshire, Suffolk and Bedfordshire. Specialist services in high risk obstetrics, fetal and maternal medicine and neonatal intensive care are provided for the whole of the eastern region.
The Rosie has recently undergone a multi-million pound extension to meet the needs of the region’s growing population. The ‘new’ Rosie includes an expanded birth centre and one of the biggest neonatal units in the UK, and is fully integrated with the existing Rosie hospital to help to ensure the Trust can deliver care in modern facilities that meet the needs of women and their families, providing greater patient choice and further improving patient experience. On 24th May 2013 we were delighted and proud to welcome Her Majesty The Queen, accompanied by His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, to officially open the new Rosie hospital.
At the Rosie Maternity hospital we look after women:
- who are trying to fall pregnant
- who are pregnant
- in labour
- who have had their babies

We provide all aspects of care, both for women who are having a normal pregnancy and birth, and for those with problems affecting the woman or the baby.
We believe the well-being of women and their families come first. Our philosophy of care is grounded in the belief that each woman’s labour and birth is unique, special and a celebratory occasion. Every woman has her own ideas about how she would like her baby to be born – be it at home or in hospital, what we do is assist the mother to achieve this wherever possible.
For more information about working at the Rosie, please see the links below: