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Insight programmes

Our Programmes

NHS Careers in a Non-Patient Facing Role:

Please email if you are interested in attending this programme DATE TBC

Are you not sure what you would like to do? Maybe you are thinking of engineering, finance, communications, Human Resources, Estates and Maintenance. There are many roles in the NHS that are not patient facing. Join us to hear about the career options available at CUH – what will be your choice?

Programmes for Year 12 & 13 or up to 24 years of age if studying at a local College only:

Medical Shadowing: placement dates on request dependant on availability of staff. Applications must be received 2 months prior to placement request date. If we are not able to place you on the date requested, another date will be offered. Please Note the request for medical shadowing is oversubscribed and not all requests will be fulfilled.

Medical Shadowing is specifically for sixth form students applying to study medicine at University. The placement aims to provide an insight in the working life of the Consultant or Junior Doctor in order to aid the student in completing their UCAS application for Medical School. Students will shadow a Consultant for 1-3 days depending on availability during which time they will observe patient consultations, ward rounds, clinic / department procedures, multidisciplinary team meetings and emergency care.

Applications must be submitted at least 2 months prior to placement request date as health clearance from our Occupational Health team will be required before the placement can take place. Please note placements are in term time and the holiday period. We are unable to support all requests for the holidays only. The request date is a guide for us and we will do our best to accommodate this. Please be aware we have to prioritise medical / clinical work and due to unforeseen circumstances, placements maybe postponed and rearranged at short notice.

Medical Work Experience Programme plus 1 day placement:

Tuesday 21st January 2025 Applications to be received by 15th November 2024 / Tuesday 10th June 2025, applications to be received by 10th April 2025

This two day programme is for sixth form students considering a career in medicine to answer the question “is this the right career for me?”

The first day is a proactive classroom based programme with speakers and presentations from a range of clinical staff, offering the chance to ask questions and find out what University interviews are really like.

During the following week the students will be allocated a day when they shadow a Consultant in Cambridge University Hospitals or Royal Papworth Hospital. During this time they may observe patient consultations, ward rounds, clinic/ department procedures, multidisciplinary team meetings and emergency care. There is also the opportunity to observe in one of our Theatres for students over the age of 17. Please state if you are interested in a theatre placement.

Cambridge Clinical Research Centre : Thursday 14 March 2024, Thursday 27 June 2024

There are 8 spaces on each programme. Please specify your reason for applying in your application form.

We offer students chance to participate in some work shadowing in the Cambridge Clinical Research Centre. This 1 day programme provides students with a chance to spend time meeting researchers, watching clinical skills, touring our research facility and labs. The programme aims to cover the Ethics of research, Metabolic research, patient and public involvement, early phase trials in Oncology and Paediatric research. (Subject to programme change)


If you are interested in attending an Insight Programme at CUH please speak to your Careers Advisor at college for authorisation (if it is in college time) in the first instance and obtain an application form, or download the application form here.

Confirmation of placement will be sent once the programme has closed to applications, so please make sure you check your spam box.

Please complete the application form attached or on our website to request shadowing or attend an insight programme and email to:

Unfortunately we are unable to respond directly to all applicants who have not secured a placement due to quantity of requests.