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Stonewall Diversity Champion

We know that people perform best when they can be their true selves in the workplace. We want to create a CUH where everyone is welcomed and valued.

One measure of how well we’re doing this for our LGBT+ colleagues is the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. This year’s results have been published today and we’re pleased to have been granted a Silver Award, and improved our ranking to 160 out of 246 organisations.

We’re pleased to see improvements in the marks awarded for the employee lifecycle, LGBT+ employee network group, empowering individuals, and leadership.

We know there is more we need to do, with the report particularly highlighting our policies and benefits, alongside recognising specific support for individual sexualities and genders rather than LGBT+ as a singular theme/group.

We’re developing an action plan with the learnings from the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, which will guide our work throughout 2024/2025. There is a very strong commitment to doing better, with everyone at CUH playing a role in positive change – not only for our LGBT+ colleagues, but for all of our communities.

Silver Award 2024