Thank you for your interest in work experience.
Please go back to the main page and select the relevant information you are looking for regarding our Insight Programmes, Work Shadowing placements, Industrial placements along with Resources.
If you are looking for an elective placement please see information below and how to apply.
Further information that you may find useful:
HCPC – The Health and Care Professions Council (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab) (HCPC) protect the public by regulating 15 health and care professions. To do this they set standards for professionals’ education and training and practice, keep a register of professionals (known as ‘registrants’), who meet their standards, and take action if professionals on the Register do not meet their standards.
NHS values for healthcare e-tool -Try the NHS ‘Values for healthcare’ challenge e-tool which has been developed for anyone who is thinking of applying for a support role [Bands 1-4] in the NHS in order that they can assess how well their values match the 6 NHS Constitution Values. The e-tool, which also aims to raise awareness of Bands 1-4 roles, can be accessed by a computer, tablet and mobile. Any one of the 4 support worker job roles featured in the Values for healthcare challenge can be chosen even if it doesn’t match the type of job role you are aiming for or thinking about. Find out whether you have what it takes to work in the NHS by going to NHS Values Tool (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab) . On completion, you will receive your results and feedback by email which you can then download. It is up to you whether you share your results with anyone. The link to ‘Values for healthcare’ is also available on NHS Jobs.
Step into the NHS – Take the quiz (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab). This is designed to help you find a career that may be suited to you. Step into the NHS is an interactive website which gives a great introduction to the NHS and the careers available in the industry.
For Schools – This link is for teachers and provides resources for the different key stages Step into the NHS – For Schools (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab)
Ambulance Service – If you are thinking of a career in the ambulance service there is lots of information on the East Anglian Ambulance website (opens in a new tab) (opens in a new tab)
If you would like any career information, or information on apprenticeships that may be available please email:
If you have any queries regarding this communication please do not hesitate to contact the Work Opportunities Team on 01223-250887 or CUH is passionate about equipping young people with valuable careers guidance and expanding access to healthcare career opportunities. Our aim is to help develop skills, confidence, awareness and an understanding of the world of work, especially for students aged 14 – 19 years.
Please note: to support our local community, priority for placements will be given to students who live and study within the Trust’s main catchment area as we have limited places and numerous requests.
Medical Students Elective Placements / Erasmus Programme / Internships: Please see the links below for details on how to apply. These placements are organised by University of Cambridge Clinical School of Medicine and not via the Work Opportunities Team at Cambridge University Hospitals.
- For medical elective placements (opens in a new tab)
- Application form (opens in a new tab)
- Medical Electives – Frequently Asked Questions (opens in a new tab)
- Erasmus programme (opens in a new tab)
- International Students – Frequently Asked Questions (opens in a new tab)
Overseas Students requiring a medical internship are advised to contact the department specialty directly to source availability. If successful, the Clinical School of Medicine (opens in a new tab) will assist with the application process.
Nursing Elective Placements – Please contact the Clinical Education Team directly for arranging a placement.
If you require information and unable to find it through the links above, please click here (opens in a new tab) for relevant contact details.
For all other work experience placements please continue to scroll down the page.
For more information about careers in the NHS visit Step into the NHS (opens in a new tab).

There are lots of opportunities within the local area when it comes to getting a job in the NHS or looking for work experience to see if it is the right career for you. Cambridge University Hospitals is one of the top leading teaching hospitals in the UK. The NHS is the fifth largest employer in the world with over 1.2 million staff. It is estimated that there are over 350 different job roles in the NHS and the service needs the support of a diverse range of staff with lots of different skills and abilities to keep it running.
While there are many clinical or frontline roles which involve delivering care to patients and families there are also a large number of staff who work in other types of jobs such as scientists, accountants and media specialists. All of our staff are committed to delivering the best possible outcomes for our patients so if that is something you think could motivate you, then the NHS may be the perfect career option.
This is a great place to start if you are a student looking for a career in the NHS, or want to work in an education or training role and help support learners with their career choices. We have tried to gather resources to provide a range of information to highlight roles and career choices for learners. There is also career event information below that may be useful in connecting with the NHS for events that you may be co-ordinating.
The different ways of getting involved are:
- Volunteering (opens in a new tab)
- Foundation Trust Member
- Apprenticeships
- Work experience / shadowing placements and Insight programmes
CUH provides careers advice, education and work experience for clinical and non-clinical careers in the NHS. Our staff are committed to providing you with the highest standard of placement.
Widening Participation
CUH has a proactive approach to working with our local schools and colleges. It is an important part of developing our workforce for the future. CUH has invested in making it a welcoming, friendly and supportive place to work, with accessible links across the county. If you are interested in completing your Industrial Placement / T- Level at CUH please speak to your Careers Advisor at the college and ask them to contact our team on 01223 250887 to discuss placement options.