Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) provide frontline healthcare and treatment to help rehabilitate patients who are ill, have disabilities or have special needs, to live life as fully as possible.
Through adopting an holistic approach to healthcare, AHPs are able to help manage patients’ care throughout the life course from birth to palliative care. Their focus is on prevention and improvement of health and wellbeing to maximise the potential for individuals to live full and active lives within their family circles, social networks, education/training and the workplace.
There are 14 different professions within the AHP sector. CUH currently employs people within 11 of these specialties.
- Art Therapist
- Dietitian
- Dramatherapist*
- Music Therapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Operating Department Practitioner (ODP)
- Orthoptist
- Osteopath*
- Paramedic*
- Physiotherapist
- Chiropody & Podiatrist
- Prosthetists/Orthotist
- Radiographers – Diagnostic
- Radiographer – Therapeutic
- Speech & Language Therapist
*Currently not employed with CUH
Health Careers Website (opens in a new tab) – AHP Careers Advice
NHS England (opens in a new tab) – The role of an AHP